Microbial Cosmologies explores the millennia-old mutualistic relationship between organisms, such as insects and humans, as environmental hosts for bacteria, viruses, and other microbes. These tiny living factories thrive, spread, and give the benefit of access to crucial chemicals and nutrients to the host as well as the disadvantages of compromised function. The microbiome, whether it lives on the skin of a human, in the gut of a fly or in the very architecture of the spaces we inhabit, is what connects us across species, inside and out.
And yet, our human tendency to underestimate the invisible world around us, and our unwillingness to change our lifestyle accordingly, has rendered millions of us unprepared, immobile and isolated while the Coronavirus itself spreads around the world at an unprecedented speed, jumping cross-species boundaries. This is the time for rethinking what mobility means in the age of pandemics and how the mobility-distribution of bodies, goods, and information is now carefully choreographed by the invisible microorganisms that move through space with and between us.
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